[Wyewood] New Chief Archer!
robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Apr 6 06:30:38 PDT 2015
I wish to give my utmost thanks to both Tymme and Avine
for their long and fantastic service to the barony!
I also give my congratulations to Evrard.
Thank you all again
Baron Robert
> To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2015 10:46:32 -0700
> Subject: [Wyewood] New Chief Archer!
> From: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> At Wyewood's last business meeting in March, Evrard de Valogne was selected
> to be the new Baronial Chief Archer.
> I have had a fun time these past 4 years in the roles of Shire and Baronial
> Chief Archer. Wyewood has such an active archery community, it's great to
> be part of it.
> As a Chief Archer, I would say that my favorite parts were:
> Seeing new archers
> Seeing people turn in their first scores
> Seeing people raise their averages and achieve goals
> and giving out the top 10 medallions/coins every year
> I have many thanks to give.
> First, to my wife, Avine de Hert, for acting as my deputy and helping to
> make sure I got things done.
> Next, to the TAMs who make this position usually very easy by not putting
> the burden of running practices solely on the Chief Archer's shoulders.
> For all the help with mowing the range (frequesntly Gervais), resetting the
> range (lots of people), and maintaining the target butts so we all have
> something to shoot at.
> For the branch, for giving me this opportunity, and supporting me.
> And to all the archers who just make being at practice so much fun!
> Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow
> Former Chief Archer, Barony of Wyewood
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