[Wyewood] New Chief Archer!
Tim Geyer via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Apr 5 10:46:32 PDT 2015
At Wyewood's last business meeting in March, Evrard de Valogne was selected
to be the new Baronial Chief Archer.
I have had a fun time these past 4 years in the roles of Shire and Baronial
Chief Archer. Wyewood has such an active archery community, it's great to
be part of it.
As a Chief Archer, I would say that my favorite parts were:
Seeing new archers
Seeing people turn in their first scores
Seeing people raise their averages and achieve goals
and giving out the top 10 medallions/coins every year
I have many thanks to give.
First, to my wife, Avine de Hert, for acting as my deputy and helping to
make sure I got things done.
Next, to the TAMs who make this position usually very easy by not putting
the burden of running practices solely on the Chief Archer's shoulders.
For all the help with mowing the range (frequesntly Gervais), resetting the
range (lots of people), and maintaining the target butts so we all have
something to shoot at.
For the branch, for giving me this opportunity, and supporting me.
And to all the archers who just make being at practice so much fun!
Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow
Former Chief Archer, Barony of Wyewood
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