[Wyewood] Fwd: September 25 Business Meeting Minutes
Gwir verch Merewith
gwir.sca at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 08:59:52 PDT 2024
Greetings Wyewood!
I tried to send this out a few days ago but didn't realize you can't send
attachments to the list. If you want a PDF, please send me your personal
email and I'm glad to provide it.
In service,
HL Gwir verch Merewith
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gwir verch Merewith <gwir.sca at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Subject: September 25 Business Meeting Minutes
To: wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Greetings all!
Attached are the business meeting minutes from September. I am also
including them below for ease of reading. Please let me know if you have
any questions or corrections.
Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting
September 25, 2024, 8:00 pm, Microsoft Teams
Dietrich von Katzenburg (Garrett Littrell), Seneschal
Alessandra da Montefeltro (Denise Garlington), Exchequer
Gwir verch Merewith (Kris Plemmons), Chronicler
Avine de Hert (Ruslund Geyer), Social Media
Sapphira Technika (Lisa Giddings), A&S Minister
Simon Fisc (Bob Giddings), Webster
Tymme “Prodkiller” Lytefelow (Tim Geyer), Archery Marshal
Torgrim Rafnsson (James Palmer), Chatelaine
Miro Postumii (Mir Plemmons)
Gwen McAusland (mka unknown)
Robert Trinitie TcH (Robert Mitchell)
Meeting opened at 8:11
Officer Reports:
Unable to attend
No other report
Current Officer Openings
Seneschal - application pending
Blak Shepe Pursuivant - application pending
Social Media Officer
Armored Combat Marshal
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Financial Report
Our balances as of Sep-25-2024 are as follows:
Total Balance: $13,324.03
Checking $ 2,979.25
Savings $10,344.78
Future Pending Payments = $726
$ 365 Biffy Rental for Wyewood Martial Champions
$ 111 Lunch Receipts for Wyewood Martial Champions
$ 200-250 Youth Rapier masks and swords (x2 each) (Waiting on the
reimbursement form and receipts)
Payments Pending in Q4 = $ 2,098
$ 1,548 Safeguard Storage (Dec-1 to May-31)
$ 250 US Postal Service (2025 PO Box rental)
$ 300 United Christian Church (Jan-1 to Jun-30-2025 rent)
Social Media
No recent problems, members of groups have been behaving well
Nothing upcoming
Please let officer know if any events coming up
Attending a Kingdom Chatelaine event the last weekend of September
No other updates
Dance practice is ongoing, but was canceled this month due to illness
Looking at scheduling a library day on a Sunday in October
Term expires soon but willing to renew, hoping to find a more active
Discussed publishing monthly newsletter on website with Chronicler
Updating calendar and will finalize once dates for business meeting and
FCS are decided
Working with Webster to revive the Wye’s Mouth newsletter as a feature
on the Wyewood website
Events - after Champions, items were taken down for Autumn War/Emprise
to be shared
Range maintenance is needed so please watch for information
Last Wednesday practice for the year was last month, Saturday practices
Rapier (by email)
Several practices were canceled this month due to illness
Using park next door to usual location for practice during construction
Champion Boreus was determined by Round Robin at the Wyewood Martial
Champions event
Old Business
Wyewood Martial Champions event report
Steward not in attendance for full report
62 attendees; 2 youth, 60 adults = $950
32 for lunch = $160
Bubba donations = $18
Biffy $365
Food $103.14
TOTAL PROFIT = $659.86
New Business
Business meeting scheduling changes
Dietrich reported on the results of a survey about changing the
business meeting to the 2nd week of the month and which day of
the week is
After discussion, it was decided to the second Wednesday at 8:00 pm
Next meeting is October 9 on Teams
We will move forward with changing the business meeting at this
Dietrich will be confirming with the church that we can shift to 4th
There will be communication about whether the next FCS will be on
October 11 or October 25.
Meeting closed at 8:34.
Submitted by HL Gwir verch Merewith (MKA Kris Plemmons), Wyewood Chronicler
In Service,
HL Gwir verch Merewith
Kingdom of An Tir, Barony of Wyewood
MKA Kris Plemmons
HL Gwir verch Merewith
Kingdom of An Tir, Barony of Wyewood
MKA Kris Plemmons
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