[Wyewood] November A&S Library Day

Wyewood Arts & Sciences Wyewood.Artsnsci at antir.org
Sat Nov 16 11:03:09 PST 2024

Greetings to all!
Just a friendly reminder that the November Wyewood Library Social is this Sunday in Renton.   All are welcome and I hope to see many of you there! 🙂
Your in service,
Magistra Sapphira Technica

On Nov 1, 2024, at 12:30 AM, Lisa Giddings via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

Please join us for an A&S Library Social on Sunday, November 17th at the Renton Library! This the perfect spot with some great crafting space, camaraderie, and shenanigans!
This means there will be lots of table space and room to spread out tools, projects, and people (for those of us who still want to social distance).
I myself will have lucets on hand, spindles, and roving if anybody wants to give handspinning a whorl, an inkle/tablet loom set up for demonstration, and maybe some other surprising bits and bobs for largesse making fun!
Also, if anyone is interested in getting their inkle loom up and running I would be glad to help.
If you would like individualized assistance with a particular project, feel free to DM me in advance to make sure you have everything you need.
I hope to see you there!
Yours in service,
Magistra Sapphira Technica
King County Library System
Renton Library
100 Mill Ave. S,
Renton, WA 98057

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