[Wyewood] Fwd: Renaissance dance practice for May - THIS THURSDAY!

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Mon May 20 16:50:37 PDT 2024

Greetings Wyewood dancers and dance friends. 

This week brings you both Madrone's monthly dance practice on Monday
(3rd Monday) and Wyewood's dance practice on Thursday, the 4th Thursday.
 So a week full of Renaissance dance possibilities. 

Wyewood's practice this Thursday runs from 7-9 at my home in the
Northwest part of Kent.
 If interested in attending, please contact me by email or at the phone
number below, and I will send you address, directions, etc.

    Email: sbonnevi at wamail.net
    Phone: 253-905-1483

 At dance practice, we do a variety of dances from English, French and
Italian sources, ranging from the mid 1400's to mid 1600's.  Dances will
be selected based on the interest and ability of those attending ... and
the whim of the instructor(s).  Both Master Trahaearn and I have had
classes accepted for the Known World Dance Symposium this July in
Indiana, so we will both be sneaking in some practice teaching in
preparation for those classes, both appreciate having test subjects. 

In general, people tend to wear modern clothing for practice, but feel
free to wear garb if you would like.  Comfortable, non-grip shoes are

 Maestra Sara de Bonneville 

PS -- Rosa, how's the knee?

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