[Wyewood] Omnibus Peerage proposal commentary request

Ruslund Geyer ruslund at geyercomputers.com
Mon Jan 29 18:57:33 PST 2024

A request for commentary has been made by the Board of Directors for a
change of Copora wording to allow for another Peerage. 
Please see the announcement below. 


Commentary Request - Draft Corpora Wording - Omnibus Peerage Proposal 
Currently approximately 8000 people around the Knowne World actively
participate in target archery, combat archery, siege weapons, thrown weapons
and equestrian martial activities.  While no ultimate decision has yet been
made the Board believes that a proposal of a path to peerage for these
individuals is worthy of deep consideration.  

Having received advice from the Peerage Committee, Directors have discussed
the matter and following some minor amendments to language which align the
proposed draft of Corpora wording to the existing patent orders, the Board
feels that the proposal has matured to the point where commentary on the
proposed Corpora wording from members is requested. This commentary will
assist the Board in forming further decisions relevant to its consideration
of this matter.  

The draft Corpora language approved for commentary is: 


e. The Order of <Name> 

(i) Members of the Order of <Name> may choose to swear fealty but are not
required to do so. The candidate must have attained the standard of
excellence in skill and/or knowledge equal to that of their prospective
peers in a pre-17th century martial pursuit as practiced in the SCA,
including, and limited to, target archery, combat archery, thrown weapons,
equestrian activities, and siege engineers.  The candidate must have applied
this skill and/or knowledge for the instruction of members and service to
the kingdom to an extent above and beyond that normally expected of members
of the Society. 

(ii) The duties of the members of the order are as follows: 

(a) To set an example of courtesy and chivalrous conduct on and off the
field of honor. 

(b) To respect the Crown of the kingdom; to support and uphold the laws of
the kingdom and Corpora. 

(c) If in fealty, to support and uphold the Crown of their kingdom. 

(d) To enrich the kingdom by sharing their knowledge and skills. 

(e) To enhance the renown and defend the honor of the peer's Lady or Lord. 

(f) To advise the Crown on the advancement of candidates for the Order of

(other sections re-numbered as needed) 

Knowing exactly what the people who work, study, and play in the Society
want a potential new peerage to achieve and do will be key to moving forward
in this discussion.  The Board welcomes any additional context that people
feel may be of use to the discussion.  

We are looking for your feedback - as you begin to type up your comments
please feel free to include your thoughts on the following questions: 

Does this language fill the gap I personally feel exists in the paths to
peerage, why or why not? 
What is my ideal vision of a new peerage and its members? What virtue will
they embody? 
The expertise of our community is invaluable, and these responses will
contribute significantly to an outcome that positions our Society to meet
its goals and future opportunities.  

Corpora, including the By-Laws, can be found in its entirety here:

Please email all commentary to SCA-Comments at sca.org and use the title
"Omnibus Peerage Proposal" in the subject line. 

NOTE: Do not use attachments in your commentary. Attachments will mark your
message as spam and it will be rejected by the server. 

You can also send commentary by mail, Postage-Prepaid, to: 

Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. 

RE: Omnibus Peerage Proposal 

P.O. Box 611928 

San Jose, CA 95161 

Commentary regarding this proposed Corpora change, must be received by the
Board no later than April 2, 2024. 


The Board of Directors also expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the
dedicated service of all those individuals who have worked tirelessly as
members of the Peerage Committee.  

As we acknowledge the duration of efforts relating to this work, with the
Committee having fulfilled its requested function, the Directors commend all
members and release the Committee from the work with the Board's gratitude
for their time and service.  


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