[Wyewood] In search of a new Blak Shepe Pursuivant

Avine de Hert Avine.dH at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 24 19:23:30 PDT 2024

Greeting Wyewood. We currently have several, very important, open offices. I
am here to talk about one, specific one. You see, we are in need of a
Pursuivant. What is a Pursuivant? Pursuivant is the name given to a Baronial
Herald. Wyewood's Pursuivant carries the title of Blak Shepe.  Blak Shepe
Pursuivant is responsible for making sure voice heraldry happens at our
events, and that gentles have help registering names and armory.  It seems a
tremendously large job for one person, for sure. However, this is a job that
lends itself well to having a team of deputies that manage parts.  Because
of this, our Pursuivant does not have to be an expert in heraldry. They just
need to be willing to learn.  There is a community of heralds happy to help
teach and support both brand new and well experienced heralds.
Please consider taking on or becoming a deputy for this very necessary
In service,
Archos Avine, retired Blak Shepe

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