[Wyewood] Wyewood Chronicler Candidate

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Mon Aug 12 19:28:48 PDT 2024

Greeting fellow Wyewoodians,

We have a candidate for the Office of Chronicler: HL Gwir verch Merewith (MKA Kris Plemmons).

"I have been looking for ways to serve the Barony that fit with my current modern life and after much consideration, I know I can be of excellent service as the Chronicler.

...I have taken notes professionally in my modern life in several jobs and most recently as Administrative Assistant for the Executive Dean of Renton Technical College.

In addition to taking meeting minutes, as Chronicler I hope to accomplish the following:

Restart quarterly publication of The Wye's Mouth, to include a summary of business meetings, information about upcoming events, reports about past events, and articles about member activities in martial, service, and A&S activities.

I'd like to see the newsletter live as a blog or pages on the website, if it is possible with the website builder we use. I have some experience with website software if the Webster is willing to work with me. Otherwise, I'd like to explore another way to build it that people can easily access on their phones rather than sending a PDF or other document.

Work with the Webster to update our website. My professional background includes website management and copywriting.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to instructions on next steps."

If you have any comments relating  to this candidate, please email them to Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org AND Wyewood.coronet at antir.org

In service to Bubba,

Dietrich von Katzenburg

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood

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