[Wyewood] Web server maintenance

Wyewood Exchequer Wyewood.Exchequer at antir.org
Wed May 24 19:39:04 PDT 2023

Thank you Wenyeva for continuing to provide us with a web presence!

In Service,

Baronessa Alessandra da Montefeltro
Exchequer, Barony of Wyewood
From: Wyewood <wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org> on behalf of Wendi Dunlap via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 7:05 AM
To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Subject: [Wyewood] Web server maintenance

Hi, all. I am doing some maintenance on the server that hosts Wyewood, so
if you happen to see “maintenance mode” or something when you go to look at
the site, don’t worry. It should be over soon.

Wenyeva atte grene
Wendi Dunlap // Atlanta, GA // "A word after a word after a word is power."
-- Margaret Atwood
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