[Wyewood] Archery practice Mar 18 recap

Tim geyer tim.geyer at geyercomputers.com
Thu Mar 23 17:25:00 PDT 2023

We had 11 people come out to enjoy the morning and get some shooting in.
Weather was cooperative.  Scores submitted were:



Simon - 61, Gryffyth - 51, Weylyn - 87, Margaret - 54(career high!), Vilda -
20, Evrard - 66, Johann - 70



Simon - 72, Johann - 58



John - 99


Period Recurve:

Weylyn - 74


Period Longbow:

Johann - 46


Period Crossbow:

John - 112, Weylyn - 82


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS, OP

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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