[Wyewood] Norwescon Demo opportunity

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Mon Mar 6 11:56:08 PST 2023

Shared from Her Excellency of BAO - Norwescon Demo
Greetings An Tir,
I come to you with an opportunity, and a plea for help.
A club table for the SCA has been procured at Norwescon, which is over Easter weekend  (April 6-9) at the  SeaTac DoubleTree, where we have had 12th Night in the past.
This is a chance for us to have information about the SCA in front of a moderately sized group of fandom-minded folks.
The con provides a 6’ table and 2 chairs, we might be able to have 1-2 more depending on resources and covid restrictions. The convention is requiring masks and proof of vaccination.
Tables are set up from 3 pm Thursday through noon Sunday, with the expectation that they will be staffed until 5 pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each person staffing a fan table must be registered with the convention and wear their Norwescon membership badge. The con chair has said that if someone wished to do this, but could not afford a pass, that they would fund one in return for the recipient also volunteering in the Hospitality room. (But this is for one person – so check with me swiftly to make that arrangement and give the Chair your information. First requested, first won)
If you are not already a member of the convention, memberships currently are $100 for the weekend, day badges are only available in a limited number during the con itself, not ahead of time. Children under age 13 at the time of the convention are free, youth ages 13 – 17 are half the adult membership cost.
If you plan to attend, and would be willing to sit at the table for an hour to talk to people, please reach out to me so that those times could be arranged. I really don’t want to sit there the whole time by myself with Rhoslyn , as I would like to peruse the art show and merchants room. *grin* Also chat with me if your branch has information they would like on the table about upcoming events, socials, practices or other opportunities. I can be reached via FB under the modern name, emailed at either celedraug AT gmail DOT com or the email link on the Blatha an Oir website, or called/texted at 253.377.8952.
Thank you,
Angharat verch Reynulf OL, Carp
Barwnes Blatha an Oir
MKA JonnaLyhn Wolfcat Prill
(Yes, feel free to share this information)
Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

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