[Wyewood] Baronial Confidence Polling Open

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Sun Jun 25 15:09:25 PDT 2023

Greeting wonderful populace of Wyewood,

The Confidence Polling for the Cornets of Wyewood is now open. Please go forth and let Their Royal Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses know of your opinions. Below is the link to the polling process. You must be logged into the An Tir website to access the polling form.

Confidence Polling for Barony of Wyewood Now Open – Kingdom of An Tir<https://antir.org/announcements/confidence-polling-for-barony-of-wyewood-now-open/>

In service to Wyewood,

Dietrich von Katzenburg

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood


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