[Wyewood] Reminder: Baronial Confidence Polling
Wyewood Coronet
Wyewood.Coronet at antir.org
Wed Jun 21 14:04:46 PDT 2023
Good afternoon, Wyewood!
A reminder that Confidence Polling for his Excellency and I is next week. To vote in the online poll, you must live in the geographic boundaries of Wyewood and you must have an Kingdom of An Tir website log in. Sign up for that here: https://antir.org/register/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fantir.org%2Fregister%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1KdV4r-LnRWboSzvIU-iwlH7Cn3iA5UD4PYJlNsDnIsYOT3kn1AUub7Yo&h=AT1iu2eraIDEZQOoBLA3XmqRfqnPsNHODv1ye0rXhY9sqGjJFT7r9t0KBcigpJUVYToAJrBaN3P-Cy0J2tnFdP_sOisruDLVOinCfBx3u2sdKU9ODUpl_JP0UguruDP-niNOUapwV8NQ9M3R&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1dgaXhoSKMI88RlZhs-pGrwrovyI221QCpvVvmrZnWkFnWzPr_YOvrU32COTTXxwOzQZMm-1XYIk_lETs2GWcpo3GswEJJyK8V-ZVEcs11i4XZQ2Hy73YT1OijVcA7UdeWM36De8KE-M5iXAQvbLmdz2aqDoZ1b9XoUIkIH0NTreorWNGzGB6MyqCfZ23n_QyZOdALCHUDiYrAyFVzenHnMHk>
If you do not live in the boundaries of Wyewood, but would like to give feedback on our continuing in our roles, you may email the Their Majesties at crown at antir.org.
We value your support, but above all, we value your honesty. Please vote and express feedback as you feel best serves the Barony.
In Service,
Barun Alarich von Thorn
Baroness Aline Swynbroke, OL
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