[Wyewood] Cabana A&S Shenanigans Wrap-up

Wyewood Arts & Sciences Wyewood.Artsnsci at antir.org
Sun Feb 12 22:07:10 PST 2023

Resending to the list…I sent it this afternoon with photos, but it bounced due to size restrictions.  Photos are available on the Wyewood Facebook group post.

Cabana A&S Shenanigans was a smashing success!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who came out for the class or just to hang out and/or display.  We had nearly a dozen people show up for some or most of the day!

Thank you especially to HL Elewys of Finchingefeld for teaching a wonderful class upon which this day was centered!  Much warped fun was had by all!  She brought her weaving library, many fabulous samples of her tablet weaving, and made available yarn, cards, and shuttles for those who needed them.

A heartfelt thank you to Dearbhail for lining up her schedule so that we could use the cabana space to meet.  She is our treasured and hard working keeper of the keys to A&S paradise!

Thank you Maestra Sara for bringing her tablet weaving library for us to peruse as well as joining us for weaving.

Thanks to Sofia for sharing amazing examples of her tablet weaving work, especially her explorations of Icelandic Open Hole techniques.

Thank you to Her Excellency Aline for her amazing support throughout the scheduling process as I get on my feet as A&S Minister.  She even went as far as helping to clean up afterwards when she had just arrived and offering to help schlep my stuff home (even though that was not ultimately needed).

Finally, thank you to Simon for supporting me and keeping me as sane as possible.

Yours in service,

HL Gisella Lisabetta Venier

Wyewood A&S Minister

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