[Wyewood] Future Dance Practice in Wyewood?

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Mon Aug 21 15:30:06 PDT 2023

Unto Their Excellences and the Populace of Wyewood.

I am discontinuing the 3rd Thursday dance practice in Wyewood due to 
lack of participation.  There has not been much interest from the 
populace of Wyewood, and for those that have expressed interest, it 
seems to be a bad choice of day.  Participation has been almost 
exclusively people from outside of the Barony.

If there is interest in future dance practices to be held in Wyewood, 
please let me know of a day and time that might be more suitable.  As 
always, if we have significant interest, I can try to secure a library 
meeting room or other such neutral space with more room to romp.

Poll: Please take the next 2-3 weeks to let me know your suggestion for 
a day or time that you feel would work better.  Sundays and Tuesdays 
will not work for me, but I am available almost any other day.  And a 
Wyewood practice should not conflict with other local dance practices 
(1st Thursday @ Port de l'Eau, 3rd  Monday @ Madrone).

Contact me (Sara de Bonneville, email sbonnevi at wamail.net) if you are 
interested in having a monthly dance practice in Wyewood, and your 
suggestions for a more suitable day and time.

Again, sadly there will no longer be a Wyewood dance practice on 3rd 
Thursdays.  Potential re-start in October, if there is interest 
expressed and a day can be found that works for those interested.

Maestra Sara de Bonneville

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