[Wyewood] Archery practice April 22 recap

Tim geyer tim.geyer at geyercomputers.com
Sat Apr 22 15:25:42 PDT 2023

We had 8 people show up for archery.  My thanks to all for helping with
setup and/or takedown, could not have done it without you.  Scores submitted



Evrard - 79(season high!), Gryffyth - 47, Johann - 71



Evrard - 71(season high!), Johann - 63



Tymme - 102(season high!), John - 102


Period Longbow:

Johann - 30


Period Crossbow:

John - 104


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS, OP

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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