[Wyewood] Forward - call for applications for Kingdom Seneschal

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Sun Apr 16 18:50:00 PDT 2023

Please see the following for a call for applications.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy
Taken from the May 2023 Crier:

>From the Office of the Seneschal


Kingdom Seneschal of An Tir Applications and resumes accepted until May 31, 2023 Projected changeover date: 12th Night, 2024. The Kingdom Seneschal is responsible for the administrative operation of the Kingdom of An Tir and is the sole corporate officer in the Kingdom. The modern world recognizes Kingdom Seneschals as Regional Vice Presidents. The Kingdom Seneschal maintains and updates Kingdom Law as well as the kingdom’s business records. If you have questions about the position, email the Seneschal. Send your application and resume to seneschal at antir.org and crown at antir.org

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