[Wyewood] Wyewood Dance Practice —- 3rd Thursday in October

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Fri Oct 14 18:41:21 PDT 2022

Unto their gracious Excellencies, people of Wyewood and dance friends of 
An Tir

Wyewood’s 3rd-Thursday dance practice is next week, October 20; it’s 
hard to believe that we’ve been dancing again for six months here in 

What can you can expect at our practices?
     -- Samples from all the basic basic dance types, spanning 200 years!
     -- Dances likely to be on the annual 12th Night Ball set-list
     -- Dances for Serjeantry candidates
     -- Favorites that people ask for, from previous practices

Maestra Sara de Bonneville

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