[Wyewood] Range/Event Site Maintenance

Robert Giddings simonthefisc at gmail.com
Thu May 26 19:49:21 PDT 2022

In preparation for the upcoming Day of Archery, the site needs a bit of

Given the weather forecast for this weekend (rain/showers Fri-Sun) Monday
seems to be the best day for range maintenance.

We will need to do the entire field so that it is available for our
upcoming events. I went out yesterday to mow a bit before the rain started,
and discovered that at some point in the last week someone mowed the whole
field again. It’s still longer than we want (about twice the height of my
mower’s highest setting) but much better than I expected.

I’m planning to start at 10 am Monday. If you are available and can bring a
mower, trimmer, or rake, please do. If you can just bring yourself to give
others a break that would also be helpful.

In service,
Simon Fisc

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