[Wyewood] May Crown

Wyewood Coronet Wyewood.Coronet at antir.org
Sat May 14 11:33:29 PDT 2022

Greetings Good Gentles!

Crown is next weekend, and it is a joy to us all!

We will be in attendance and bringing venerable the Hanky with us.  All friends and family of Wyewood are welcome in its shade.
A small hospitality space will be available, but it will largely be a bring your own victuals affair.  If you wish to contribute, we are looking for individually wrapped items more than communal, because of the ongoing concerns of the plague.

As always, we are grateful for all assistance, and we know well that we cannot be a barony or even a group at all without you, the good people.  We hope to see you there!

Note: Her Excellency is not accepting hugs at this time, but she is always ready with kind words and heartfelt greetings.

Wyewood non solum locus est status mentis.

Alarich, Barun von Wyewood
Aline, Baroness of Wyewood

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