[Wyewood] Applications Open – Society Webminister

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Fri May 13 20:50:49 PDT 2022

Call for applications for Society Webminister.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

Applications Open – Society Webminister
Are you passionate about effective, accessible web sites and timely communication?

Do you want to ensure that SCA websites across the world are:

easily found, and
Does the idea of working across the Known World to help others and to sustain the SCA’s internet presence bring you joy?

If you answered yes to these questions then the role of Society Webminister might be for you!

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is seeking candidates for the position of Society Webminister.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

Supervision and warranting of kingdom webministers
Enforcing Society and Kingdom-level policies and guidelines
Assist kingdom webministers in developing and enforcing kingdom-level guidelines for local SCA group websites
Act as subject matter expert and resource regarding issues related to websites at the kingdom and local levels including technology, copyright and privacy-related issue
Maintain communications with kingdom webministers to ensure both timely reporting from kingdoms and distribution of policies to kingdoms
Report quarterly to the Information Technology Manager

Experience as a SCA webminister; kingdom webminister experience highly desired
Moderate to expert knowledge of web technologies (e.g. HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, ASP, web hosting, domain names
Moderate Microsoft Word proficiency
Thorough knowledge of webminister policies and procedures
Professional verbal and written communication skills
Ability to effectively communicate and work with all webministers and officers
Dependable email and phone access
The Society Webminister is appointed by the Board but will report directly to the Information Technology Manager. The Society Webminister is warranted for a three-year term of service.

Electronic résumés (both professional and SCA related, including offices held and honors) should be sent to resumes at sca.org and it at sca.org

Hard copies may be sent to the attention of

The Board of Directors, SCA Inc.,

PO Box 611928

San Jose, CA 95161

Résumés must be received by June 30th, 2022.


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