[Wyewood] wyewood dance practice next week
sbonnevi at wamail.net
sbonnevi at wamail.net
Thu May 12 18:24:12 PDT 2022
Speaking of Arts and Sciences ... Next Thursday (3rd Thursday, May 19)
will be Wyewood’s 3rd dance practice since starting up again. There
were 6 people at practice at my home last month so I hope for a similar
turn out this month.
We’ll be doing a variety of European Dances ranging from 1450 to 1650.
Bring comfortable shoes - no rubber soles if possible. Most people wear
comfortable modern clothes but garb is always welcome. All current SCA
and modern Covid rules will be followed, and people are encouraged to
take any additional steps that make them feel more comfortable.
Those interested should contact me via email (sbonnevi at wamail.net) or
phone (253-905-1483) for directions
Maestra Sara de Bonneville
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Wyewood] Wyewood 3rd Monday A&S Support Night
Date: 2022/05/12 5:09 pm
From: Linda Hosea via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
To: Wyewood List <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Reply-To: Linda Hosea <lmhosea at comcast.net>
Greetings, Wyewood.
Monday the 16th will be our next A&S Support Night. A link will be sent
to the list on Monday, and posted to the FB page(s).
Our best attendance nights were in the lead up to 12th Night. If that
is an indicator, we might have more join us as we prepare for the first
big camping event of the season, May Crown in Yakima! We must all have
garb in work!
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