[Wyewood] Dance activities

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Tue May 3 13:37:23 PDT 2022

Reporting on a couple of dance activities:

  - the Wyewood dance practice on Thursday (April 21) had 5 people 
attend, so able to do some fun 3-couple dances.  Come join us next 
month, if you feel like dancing! Third Thursday, 7:00 PM.  Contact Sara 
de Bonneville (sbonnevi at wamail.net) for directions.

  - The Big Dance Practice on Saturday, Apr 30, was fun ... pretty much 5 
hours of dancing and geeking out over dancing, and reconstructing dances 
from as near to original sources as we can get.  Had access to Master 
Trahaearn's wonderful library of dance materials.  Discussion by those 
attending as to when we should do this gain; thinking was that quarterly 
might be too soon, but 6 months is too long, so looking at doing another 
one in 4 months, hopefully with more thought to what is going on 

Maestra Sara de Bonneville

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