[Wyewood] Award Recommendations for Wyewood Champions

Wyewood Herald Wyewood.Herald at antir.org
Mon Jun 27 15:11:32 PDT 2022

Greetings Wyewood

With Wyewood Champions around the corner, I would like to remind and encourage you all to write in award recommendations to Their Excellencies.  Anyone can write an award recommendation; you do not have to be a holder of the award to recommend someone receive it.
Uncertain if someone already holds an award?  Look it up on the Order of Precedence:
Know someone who deserves an award for all that they do but don’t know what award would fit?  Include that you aren’t sure what would fit when you send in your detailed missive of all of their accomplishments.
To recommend someone receive a Baronial award, go here: http://www.wyewood.org/wp/awards/award-nominations/
A list of all of our Baronial awards can be found here, on our website:http://www.wyewood.org/wp/awards/

In Service,

Johannes Guotmann
Blak Shepe

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