[Wyewood] From Their Excellencies, Alarich and Aline

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Fri Jul 8 09:51:08 PDT 2022

Hear now the words of Their Excellencies of Wyewood, Aline and Alarich.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy
>From Their Excellencies of Wyewood, Barun Alarich and Baroness Aline, warm greetings to the greatest Kingdom in the Known World!
We are excited to finally host the first Wyewood Champions of Our tenure as the Coronets of Wyewood and we want to encourage those who would like to represent our fine Barony in the following fields to join us June 30th in our lands!
Heavy/Rattan Combat
Rapier Combat
Thrown Weapons
Arts and Sciences
Our requirements for our Champions are as follows:
We ask that our Champions be willing to swear an Oath of Service to the Barony through Us.
We ask that your Service to the Barony be exclusive to the Barony for the 12 months of your term.*
We ask that you represent Wyewood well in our lands when you are here and abroad in the Kingdom and beyond when you are not, both in your chosen field and in your general comportment.
We ask you to share you field by teaching and growing it, especially among newcomers.
*Note, while we prefer those entering to not currently be encumbered by an oath to another Branch at the time of entry, we recognize that schedules are tricksy beasts and we will consider those whose previous championship will end within 60 calendar days from that date, provided the other Branch agrees to this time share. Please bring a written statement from the appropriate Coronet if said Branch is a Barony, or from the Seneschal for Shires/Cantons/Colleges.
We look forward to welcoming you!
With love and gratitude,
Alarich, Barun
Aline, Baroness

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