[Wyewood] Aethenaeum court summons

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Mon Jul 4 14:35:32 PDT 2022

Please see the following missive regarding gentles summoned into court for Aethenaeum, Saturday July 9th.  Court can be viewed on the Kingdom Youtube channel.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

Their Royal Majesties, King Sven and Queen Rauokinn announce a series of courts at Aethenaeum this Saturday, July 9th.  The  gentles below are hereby summoned to present themselves in court, or to view the livestream.  As with all of Their Majesties Courts, you do not need to present yourself in formal court to be recognized -- and Their Majesties are planning a roving court for this event -- if you would prefer to be recognized in roving court, please reach out to Their Majesties' court coordinators for this event, Heidi Adelheide Schulmeyer or Erika Hemmer (you can just send them a message through messenger -- its that easy).
Roving Court
Ulfgar Thorvaldsson
Nykera Drago D'Argento
Alianora Greymoor
Christopher MacEveny
Ana de la Sara
Constance Davies
Thorgrim the Skald
Gareth Hyre
Vittoria di Carducci
Zanetta Zavatta
Aeron Corrino
Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e
Charles de Bourbon
Christiana de Huntington
Vivien nicUldoon
Gera Gangolffin
Katrine de St. Bruiec
Achaxe ek Auchatae
Angharat verch Reynulf
Morning Court
Rowenna de Manning
Nathanael Lekarev
Sybil Katharine
Sofia de Toledo
Hobbe de Coyners
AEfann Mikelsdottir
Ana Martin de Santiago
Aefann Mikelsdottir
Laeriel Fayrehale
Avine de Hert
Rotrude the Halfblind
Afternoon Court
Spike Zoetart
Enzio Bandinelli
Margaret Palmer
Eden of Lionsguard
Madelena Vieri
Dafydd Caramon
Seamus mac Brehon
Simon Fisc
Gisella Lisabetta Venier
Katryne MacKim
Ljufvina haustmyryky Hrafrsdottir
Cyndy of Glymm Mere
Again, it is very important to Their Majesties that everyone understand that being acknowledged in court is not dependent on anyone’s ability to attend. Your attendance is completely optional. You are encouraged to do what makes you feel comfortable.   Their Majesties look forward to seeing many of you there.

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