Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Mon Feb 14 11:44:07 PST 2022

Hear now the words of Their Royal Majesties, Sven and Rauokinn.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

An Tir,

We are distraught by the heart wrenching news out of Avacal related to the February 11, 2022 alert (link below) related to possession of child pornography charges against David McDowell (known in the

SCA as Peregrine the Falconer):


In the alert, the Police announced that they are looking for more victims and are concerned that there may be victims in the Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver, BC areas. The Edmonton police’s primary concern is identifying more victims. Therefore, anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Edmonton police at 780-423-4567 or Crime Stoppers, or submit information anonymously through the Canadian online national cybertip website: https://cybertip.ca/ .

If you or your family members may be impacted by the charges against McDowell, there are resources available to help navigate the process as well as to provide support services. Some of these are listed below:

• National Helpline Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD

• Childhelp www.childhelp.org Hotline 1-800-422-4453

• Prevention and Treatment of gro.plehdlihc at ofni Crisis counselors available 24/7 Child Abuse Email support form on the website

• 24 Hour Hotline British Columbia Society of www.bcsth.ca/ 1-800-563-0808

• Toll Free Victim Link BC www.victimlinkbc.ca VictimLink is a toll free, confidential British Columbia ac.112cb at CBkniLmitciV multilingual telephone service across BC and Yukon 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

• https://cmha.bc.ca/documents/childhood-sexual-abuse-a-mental-health-issue-2/https://treehousevancouver.ca/

Please be kind to one another as people process this information in their own ways. Additionally, be cognizant that some of your friends and/or their children may be victims and speak with empathy and compassion in that regard. Let’s not let insensitive public discourse on this subject re-victimize those that have already been traumatized and abused.

Lastly, in times like this, it is normal to feel the urge to want to help in some way.

To that end, we are sponsoring a silent auction at Kingdom A&S and Rapier Championship with the proceeds to benefit one or more non-profit organizations (within the geographic areas comprising An Tir and Avacal) who provide support and counseling to victims of child sexual abuse. We will provide more information as plans solidify.

With heavy hearts,

Sven and Rauokinn


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