[Wyewood] applicant for the Herald officer position

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Sun Apr 3 17:47:05 PDT 2022

Hello Wyewood,

We've received an application for our Herald officer position from Johannes Guotmann.

We now present Johannes for your review.


My name is Johannes Guotmann (Member ID 253139 Exp 7/2024).

I want to apply for the position of Blak Shepe Pursuivant.If accepted this would be my first sca position.

I love heraldry and I enjoy looking at the rolls of arms. I would love to help people with their devices and names. I know it requires attention to detail. I have proven to be precise. In another fandom I was responsible for rank testing.. I did that for two years. It required about an hour of my time daily and regular email communication with my students and supervisor. I can bring that enthusiasm to the SCA.

I will cheerfully answer any question. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Johannes Goutmann
(Logan Littrell)

Thank you.

In service,

HL Johanna de Wassington

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood


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