[Wyewood] Missive from Kingdom on requiring vaccination or testing for attendance at activities.

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Mon Sep 27 19:22:12 PDT 2021

Please see the following missive from the Kingdom Seneschal, Attia.  Included is the link to the SCA policy referenced.
please be patient if you cannot reach the SCA servers to open the announcement.  Traffic has overwhelmed it at the time of this posting and will take time to clear.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

Greetings An Tir,‎
Today the Society released the policy regarding requiring proof of vaccination or testing ‎within a 72 hour period for attendance to any activity sponsored by the SCA. ‎
We WILL be applying this policy in An Tir. This implementation will occur in phases, and ‎you can expect updates regarding this requirement.‎
As some of you know, the Principality of Tir Righ already has a requirement for proof of ‎vaccination for attendance to any indoor event, and that has been implemented for Fall Crown. ‎King County, Washington has also followed suit and it will be in place for 12th night. ‎
‎ ‎
Please read and become familiar with this policy. This will be in place for every SCA ‎activity including, but not limited to, Fighter Practices, Indoor Events, Arts and Sciences night, ‎and Business meetings. ‎
As always, please email me directly at seneschal at antir.org if you have any further ‎comments or questions.‎
Attia Prima, OP
Kingdom Seneschal, An Tir

The Copy of the Policy:
Proof of fully vaccinated status or negative COVID test
In addition to the existing policy allowing Kingdoms to establish a mask policy, Kingdom Seneschals in ‎consultation with the Crown shall have the discretion to implement the following policy requiring proof ‎of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of an event start time from all ‎event attendees:‎
‎1.‎ Events are any activities defined in Corpora II.A, Society Events Defined.‎
‎2.‎ Proof of being fully vaccinated must be in form of a government issued card (original or ‎photograph) or an electronic record.‎
‎3.‎ Proof of negative covid test must be issued from a licensed medical provider and presented in ‎such paper form or electronic form that the event staff can verify its authenticity. Letterhead from ‎a medical provider or an email address clearly identifying the medical provider as the sender of an ‎electronic record shall constitute authentic proof. ‎
‎4.‎ All persons over the age of 18 must present government issued photo identification along with the ‎proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test. Parents and guardians of minors must ‎present their own identification along with proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID ‎test for all minors attending an event in their care.‎
‎5.‎ Proof of vaccine or a negative test shall not be required for children under 12. Children that are ‎aged 3 through 11 shall wear a mask.‎
‎6.‎ In addition to the normal sanctions process, anyone challenging event staff regarding the ‎enforcement of this COVID policy shall be denied entry to or be immediately removed from the ‎event.‎
‎7.‎ The Kingdom must have one person at a time checking the proof of being fully vaccinated or a ‎negative COVID test at an event. The event organizer, or their designee, shall maintain a list of ‎names and times of the person(s) conducting the check at the entrance. Once the entrance is ‎closed at the event, said person(s) will sign a statement at the bottom of the list of names and ‎times, which reads: ‎
‎“I have monitored the event entrance at the times noted above, and I have verified that ‎each person entering the event during that time to have shown me proper identification, ‎along with either proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test taken within ‎‎72 hours of the start of the event.” ‎
The event organizer, or their designee, shall forward the signed statement to the Kingdom ‎Seneschal, or their designee, who shall maintain such records in accordance with the standards for ‎retention of waivers.‎
‎8.‎ Kingdom Seneschals shall notify the Society Seneschal where local, state, provincial, or national ‎law supersedes this policy.‎
‎9.‎ This policy shall not apply to Lochac and Drachenwald.‎


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