[Wyewood] An Tir Awards Series, part 1

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Tue May 25 18:58:38 PDT 2021

Greetings Wyewood,
The Kingdom of An Tir has begun offering a series to teach about the various kingdom awards.  Today is the first installment.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy
An Tir Awards Series! Learn about ALL THE AWARDS!!
Award : Award of Arms - The first level of armigerous rank awarded by the Crown generally to those who have become recognized integrated participants in the Society. The Crown of An Tir has granted Principality Coronets the privilege of bestowing AA's to subjects of Their Principalities in the name of the Crown. Those who have achieved an Award level rank are given the title of Lord, Lady, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis.
Part of the Ceremony: *Recipient Name * whereas it has come to Our notice that through diverse great efforts, you have considerably enriched Our Kingdom, it is thus Our pleasure to present you with an Award of Arms. From this day forward you have the rights and responsibilities of this rank, and We charge you to consult with Our heralds to determine suitable and unique arms.
First Given : Margrethe af Træet (Madrone), Jan 16, 1982 (AS XVI) (At least first from a Crown of An Tir)
Last Given : Raginmunda Vikestrom (Dragon's Mist) Feb 22, 2020 (AS LIV)
Number of Award recipients : 7845 (Though this includes all the AoA's for people on the OP, so not all given in An Tir )
Recommend someone for this award or another!?!
GO HERE!! https://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation<https://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation?fbclid=IwAR01r1GWe-JGk3pWPeChfxdidglTFd53-j2_pgtCMl4Qy-A3W15e9UfzxUA>

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