[Wyewood] RE Archery practice

Tim geyer tim.geyer at geyercomputers.com
Sat Jun 26 22:19:04 PDT 2021

Wyewood is starting up archery practices again, beginning July 3, on
Saturdays from 10am to 1pm at our range behind AES. Practices are dependent
on weather.
Questions? Contact  <mailto:wyewood.archery at antir.org> Archery Marshal


 <https://groups.io/g/wyewood-archery> Wyewood Archers (groups.io) is a
special list you can also subscribe for updates about Archery practices.


Things to be aware of:
Currently limited to Wyewoodians only
Limited loaner gear
Limited instruction
Social distancing required
No shared bow stand provided


We might have a scores record keeper in order to prevent multiple people
touching pens and being in the same space to record scores.

I encourage everyone to bring their own pen to sign the roster and, if
needed, the waiver.

Be aware that you will need to provide 1 of the following methods of contact
on the roster sheet:

*         Phone number

*         Email address

*         Physical address

This is just in case there's a need for contact tracing and letting people
know if they've potentially been exposed to COVID while at practice."



Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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