[Wyewood] An Tir Awards Series, part 11

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Sat Jun 5 22:08:22 PDT 2021

Today is part 11 of the series about An Tir awards.

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

An Tir Awards Series! Learn about ALL THE AWARDS!!
Another Grant Level Award!!! #Winning<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/winning?__eep__=6&__cft__%5b0%5d=AZVuYA6x84KOc1EEGIYP-FNgX0a1Bi9ngPA9LdWr7lE0uYekGxgcmXC6owyfOx7oNe2rn0Y1w6TS26wuZOlS_Lw0nKoE4A2-zNWR_J_WMmhbVW877zMZ2EzQaOKoz94GyrLZjmxb4NDWG3-btbyyrTrvsb6gDxERDkM9fm9ICfGHB0xEzOnFRBpRSSQdIRgYTjw&__tn__=*NK-R>
Award : Ordo Hastae Leonis
A Grant level award given by the Crown for excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of the art of war. A Grant of Arms is the second level of armigerous rank. Those who have achieved a Grant level award are given the title of Lordship, Ladyship, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis.
First Given : Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf (Coeur du Val) Jul 5, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Last Given : Marcus Octavius Rufus (Coeur du Val) Jul 6, 2019 (AS LIV)
Number of Award recipients : 54 (And not all from Coeur du Val!)
Recommend someone for this award or another!?!
GO HERE!! https://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation<https://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation?fbclid=IwAR3ZHPHN5eFjkp4dha7MVpuFhQ0uHLaYVzkkdELEjIPMc8oZRSXTflq5rU4>

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