[Wyewood] Wyewood Baronial awards and recognitions series
Eric Mohr
greymoor at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 22 11:15:38 PDT 2021
Small correction:
The piece of wood was a small forked branch found on the grounds of Chepstow Castle, which is along the banks of the Rive Wye. Chepstow Castle is in Wales, not England.
Earl Cire
From: Wyewood <wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org> on behalf of Wyewood Herald via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2021 8:42 PM
To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Subject: [Wyewood] Wyewood Baronial awards and recognitions series
Today begins our series on Wyewood Baronial awards and recognitions.
First, we look at a Piece of the One True Wye.
While not an official award, it is a token recognizing the holder as a Citizen of Wyewood. It is a small splinter of wood in a glass vial from a piece of wood found on the back on the river Wye in England, Wyewood’s spiritual home.
It was created by the Royal Patrons of Wyewood, Earl Edward Cire of Greymoor and Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol.
First given: June 16, 2001 (AS 36)
Last given: James Redbeard August 3, 2019 (AS 54)
Number of Awards recipients: Many
If you would like to recommend someone for one of our baronial awards, please send the Barun and Baroness an email containing your recommendation. Wyewood.coronet at antir.org<mailto:Wyewood.coronet at antir.org>
The recommendation should contain the following:
Your Name
Your email address
SCA name of the person you are recommending for an award
Modern name of the person you are recommending for an award
Which award you recommend they receive
Why you think they deserve the award
Do you think someone deserves an An Tir Kingdom award?
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