[Wyewood] Business meeting minutes for July

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Thu Aug 12 20:27:12 PDT 2021

Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting
July 23rd ,2021
Start: 7:05pm
End: 7:56pm
# Of attendance: 11

Officer Reports:
Seneschal: (Johanna)
-Covid policies with SCA and activities sent to mail list and Facebook. Do officers need to be sent in a separate email list?
-should special ribbons be used at events?
-sign in sheet must be had and kept for 60 days.
-clarification on why Fridays for baronial business meetings?
• John: been tradition since before becoming a barony; thoughts on any other day that may be good for meeting?
Consensus that Fridays are good.
-FCS are also on Fridays
• Anyone else interested in hosting the FCS and business meetings?
o Sofia has been approached and will step up and host.
-Cannot be hosted in addition to a kingdom event.
-Make changes to dates; need to look at availability of sites, church?
• Look at August to see about in person meetings and FCS for September
• Reassess as we go forward: all in agreement to keep things as is.
-Still officer vacancies
• Aurora still interested in Chronicler

Exchequer: (Gwir)
-2nd quarter reports are done; not much changed but interest and paid storage.
-Sent check to Madrona for 12th night deposit of $1250.00
• Checking: 3,167.82
• Savings: 12,806.43
-Signature cards are updated and are signed; will be distributed to signer’s
-Opinion: what is the cushion level for checking account? After deposit, check will be roughly around 2k. Should we
move any from savings to checking? Is there a minimum to have in checking; will check with back to see what it is.
Threshold @ having less than 2k-reaching out to bank.
• Will need to transfer from checking to savings soon in order to pay bills after deposit is withdrawn. Will run
proposal to financial committee before transfer.
-First 3 archery practices made 390.00; thanks to the archers.

A&S: (Sofia)
-submitted report; no activities for June, one person interested in July but nothing was put together.
-will have online form to fill out for next quarter; will send out for A&S activity inquiries.
-Question about going to in person socials? Is Starbucks open?
• Possibility next month of in person social.

Chronicler: (Hafpora)
-same as prior month. Working on minutes and possibility of a new newsletter.

Archery: (Tymme)
-practices are starting again; was low attendance at first, 16-18 but is slowly getting back to normal attendance.
-still need two tarps and replaced 2 bulldogs.

Marshal: (Dearbhail)
-had two rapier practices.
-one member brought in new people to the SCA.
-all behaving and no injuries to report.

Herald: (OPEN) (Avine)
-two sub at society level; working on others.
-awards for the barony still being worked on
Social Media: (Avine)
-populace and people behaving; good.

**B&B would like to thank Avine for holding two offices.

Baron and Baroness: (Alarich Von Thorn, Aline Swynbroke)
-Court on September 25th 2021; live and in person. Will be hosted on a Saturday at the Archery field.
-Their Excellencies will attend Sept. Crown and 12th night 2022. Not sure about other events. If you would like to see
them at an event, request to their excellencies which you would like to see them at.
-Possibility of having a Wyewood “sept crown” style event for court

Old Business:
-decoration committee for 12th Night: there’s some décor available to use but will need to request from populace of any
décor to use. Will need to get with hotel and coordinate placement.
-need Eric ropes
-may need to limit crown at 12th night; marshal will bring up to the crown

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