[Wyewood] Bardic War, virtual Inter-kingdom event

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Sun Apr 18 20:04:26 PDT 2021

Greetings all,
An Tir is participating in the Inter-kingdom event, Bardic War, on May 15th through the 23rd.  This is a virtual event, held both live and asynchronous, via video.

"Come one, come all!
To the First Bardic War!
We’re showcasing the many talents of our populace with a week-long performing arts war! Whether your talents lie in writing, research, teaching, singing, dancing, acting, laughing, or…  there’s an opportunity for you to share it with the Knowne World!

The First Bardic War will be held virtually on May 15 - 23, A.S. LVI (56 / 2021). Participants have the opportunity for live or recorded submissions, dependent on entry type."

An Tir's General (coordinator) is:
Andromacha of Lesbos
brandy.crane82782 at gmail.com
FB: Andromacha tis Lésvos
For more information, please see the website below.

The First Bardic War<https://www.bardicwar.com/>
If you are a composer, arranger and/or performer who would like to allow your works to be utilized in submissions as background music, or would like to allow your works to be performed for other War Points, please consider filling out this form in order to grant blanket permission for performances in the war or submit your email address to make it easier for participants to ask for permission ...

Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

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