[Wyewood] March business meeting minutes

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Tue Apr 6 19:59:32 PDT 2021

**Will be catching up previous minutes this weekend. Here is the current minutes.

Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting
March 26th, 2021

Start: 7:05 pm
End: 7:36 pm
# of attendance 13
Officer Reports:

Seneschal: (Johanna)
Branch business:

-Updating customary is still happening.

-Officer Addition

  *   None currently

-Officer vacancies

  *   Herald - Avine acting as interim until position is filled.
  *   Chronicler Deputy- Aurora interested in being a deputy to Hafpora. Hafpora will reach out to Aurora.
  *   Reminder to send out updated vacancy openings tomorrow

**B&B: Virtual court is still happening and is moving forward. Hoping to have court by end of April. Need to count scrolls and check award recommendations.

Exchequer (HL Gwir)

-Still have $$ in the bank

  *   Checking - $4080.57
  *   Savings - $12802.15
-$1944 now for storage fees. Exch. talked to storage facility about pricing matching and storage facility agreed.
-Budget set; not much changed
-Motion to approve budget amended for kingdom; all raise hands and vote: all in favor and budget is approved.
-Would like to start getting inventory of all Wyewood assets; monetary and non-monetary.

  *   Any Wyewood property will need to have forms filled out on so that in case of an emergency and should items need to be moved to someone else, items are catalogued.
  *   Items for example: coronets, library, regalia, etc.
  *   Would like to have photos of items with signed documents of possession.
  *   Champions regalia and things used in court.
  *   Take photos and make a book for retinue so that a familiarity of items are recognizable.
  *   Dearbhail has Rapier Gear photo’d and catalogued-Donatello has heavy marshal items, and all are dispersed between the both of them.
  *   Take and send photos to exchequer of all Baronial possessions.

Arts & Sciences (HL Sofia de Toledo)

  *   3rd Monday A&S this month had 8 attendees with a variety of activities discussed and worked on.
  *   Question brought up: should we inform A&S of any classes we take?
  *   Teaching classes are worth documenting, but yes, we can let A&S know of classes being attended.
  *   If we do not, then there will be no report to make for kingdom report.
Chamberlain (Lord Rasmus Ravnsson)

  *   No report at this time
Chatelaine (Anneke von Frankenstein)

  *   No report at this time
Chronicler (Hafpora Kristna)

  *   Working on newsletter, no update.
Family Activities Coordinator (HL Aurora Prindel)

  *   No report at this time
Herald(Open) Avine acting as interim

  *   All submitted gone through
  *   No consults but is available to consult with
  *   His Excellency consulted on heraldry with a friend
  *   Avine; OGGS consulted on
Marshal: Archery (Arcos Tymme Lytefellow)

  *   Range is in good shape; looks like it was mowed recently.
  *   Looking at cost to rebuild of thrown weapons equipment.
  *   Tymme teaching archery classes.
. Marshal: Rapier (Arcos Dearbhail inghean Donnchaid)

  *   Nothing to report at this time.
  *   Sent in photos to exchequer and B&B; B&B got email.
Marshal: Safety (HL Donatello Asino)

  *   No report at this time

Baronial Scribe (Lord Mikial Aldrich)
  *   No report at this time

 Social Media Officer (Arcos Avine de Hert)
  *   Collecting and sharing classes
  *   All is good, nothing bad to report on.
  *   New rules happening on FB, cannot make group private; is public and need to check with Kingdom laws to check in on for commenting on groups to protect from trolls showing up.

Webster (Dietrich Eckhart von Katzenburg)
  *   No report at this time.

Baron and Baroness (Alarich Von Thorn, Aline Swynbroke)

  *   Athenaeum: please consider signing up and showing, if not able to then take a look and browse. Event will be in June.
  *   Plans still in place for 12th Night 2022; will be 20th anniversary of An Tir as a Kingdom.
  *   Court still on track-if you have business that is needed for court, please let B&B know soon.

Old Business

  *   12th night 2022 is still in planning. There will be check in meetings. Summer 2021 will begin site token concepts with assorted work parties for molding and casting.
  *   Reservations are looking good.
  *   Contingency for Crown at 12th night.

New Business
  *   Ethereal virtual court for Barony soon: B&B hoping to have court by end of April.
  *   Looking for bids for Feast of St. Bubba 2022.
  *   Looking towards scheduling events for next year.
  *   Margaret has rebid of Day of Archery.

Close out
•    B&B encouraging to think about fall event of some sort if in person events start up again.

  *   Looking for another keystone event for the barony so that more people can attend

In progress

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