[Wyewood] Words from Barun Alarich and Baroness Aline regarding the BoD lifting the suspension of in-person activities.

Wyewood Social Media Deputy Wyewood.SocialMediaDeputy at antir.org
Fri Apr 2 02:09:39 PST 2021

Hear now the words of your Barun and Baroness, Alarich and Aline:

"We have read the new proposal, and should it be adopted, we will rejoice with you.  We do caution people, though, that the threat of the COVID-19 virus is far from over, and that currently the nation experiencing a surge in cases from new strains and premature reopening in many places.  Also, note that this is proposal is for June, and that at this time the US-Canadian border remains closed. We will keep a close eye on events as they develop and strive to keep you informed.  We, too, wish to see everyone again, but our role is to make sure that all are safe when it happens.
In service, Alarich and Aline,
Barun and Baroness of Wyewood"

Resolution to Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of June 1st, 2021 - SCA.org<https://www.sca.org/news/resolutiontoliftsuspensionapril2021/?>
The Board of Directors issues a Resolution to Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity effective June 1, 2021. For complete information click.

In service,
Lady Avine de Hert
Wyewood Social Media Deputy

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