[Wyewood] 17 People at No Contact Social - Thank You!

Kris John gwir.sca at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 20:57:08 PDT 2020

Thanks to all who joined us for our No Contact Social tonight! Overall we
had 17 people meet - wow!

Archery had 5 people join their room. Our hosts Tymme and Avine, Adrianna,
Thomas of Salisbury, and Bacchus. So wonderful to have neighbors from the
Barony of Dragon's Laire, the Canton of Port d'Leau, and The Barony of

In our General room, Rosa hosted, and attendees included Her Excellency
Aline, Mir, Friedrich, and Jorunn. So 5 total!

In the A&S Salon, there were 9 people, I hosted, His Excellency Alarich
popped by to say hello, Her Excellency Aline, Sofia, Hafþóra, Gwen,
Miranda, Jorunn, and a special guest from the Shire of Cold Keep, Ciaran.
We had some great chatting!

I appreciate everyone's willingness to be part of this virtual adventure!

In Service,

HL Gwir verch Merewith

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