[Wyewood] It's not too early to start planning!

Kris John gwir.sca at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 12:28:38 PST 2020

I know this may seem way early, but I wanted to put the idea in gentles'
minds that you too can compete for Wyewood A&S Champion this summer!

What are you curious or passionate about?

What are your strengths and weaknesses in research?

How can I help you - mentor, resources, cheerleading?

I'm planning just a straightforward competition with simple judging forms.
I hope to have support available at FCS through the year as well as
additional sessions if wanted.

Here is a link to a form that was shared in a Facebook group that might
give you a format to start greasing your brain gears.

Finally, we'll need judges! If this interests you, please let me know.
After the Feast of St. Bubba, I hope to sponsor a couple sessions on how to
be a judge...


HL Gwir verch Merewith

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