[Wyewood] Call for Award Recommendations

Wyewood Coronet Wyewood.Coronet at antir.org
Fri Jan 3 13:56:53 PST 2020

Good afternoon, Wyewood, and Happy New Year from your Baroness! I apologize in the delay in getting this out, the month of December became the literal definition of interesting times (whoever sent me the appendicitis for Christmas neglected to attach a card, so please forgive the lack of thank you....)

The Feast of St. Bubba is coming, and his Excellency and I need your help! We'd love to know whom among our populace deserves recognition! We have some ideas, but we'd like to make sure we aren't missing anyone. Therefore, we welcome suggestions via our Baronial award recommendation form here: https://forms.gle/Qw7txMymDF3eFwR38<https://forms.gle/Qw7txMymDF3eFwR38?fbclid=IwAR3gZPMR80KPyOIIFMEE7JZvdpPxU2mdg7EQe2-i8joy6C0rnccIqwXxwEA>

Not sure what awards someone has? Check the OP here: https://op.antirheralds.org/index.php?branchByName=34&ward=0&ward1=0&ward2=0&awardByName=&chosenAward=<https://op.antirheralds.org/index.php?branchByName=34&ward=0&ward1=0&ward2=0&awardByName&chosenAward&fbclid=IwAR3sI9VOEPCIsH2NpdLI1G4OnKK0jJ-tyqQd_DmrL1R906crOlqnHsZFl7w>

Also, if there are Kingdom level awards you feel someone is deserving of, there is a place on the Baronial Award recommendation to let us know so we can support this.

You can also write them in yourself on the new Kingdom Awards Recommendation Form! To use it, you must first register for an account with the Kingdom Website here: https://www.antir.org/register/?fbclid=IwAR1lOn7FPx4qFgCUkZFExXXLiaJoVzNOMBVPl_GACd-QYT0L5yhKldjwEv8<https://www.antir.org/register/?fbclid=IwAR3H1p0ntKgkvlav7ZtAjMjuoaC3VzTAALMdArKx8KlmKopdJgzvoqILmDI>

Once you have been approved, you can use the Kingdom form here: http://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation/?fbclid=IwAR3dJKXRhD29NIJ9lke9dNVgSMMalpfrZUpgOa85oMlM_9eJh26RSPldVPo<http://www.antir.org/our-people/award-recommendation/?fbclid=IwAR0QkYY4vFsDk1V5oMtUMN91rVfRHrYU6q4SUN4RpLjh-qyl0fGJceUr4DU>

We thank you for helping us in our recognition of Wyewood's amazing populace!

In Service,

Baroness Aline Swynbroke,


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