[Wyewood] Wyewood We Wait? Event Details!
Kris John
gwir.sca at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 18:20:55 PDT 2020
There's still plenty of time to pre-register for the Wyewood We Wait? event
this Saturday! There will be classes from 4:00 - 6:00 and Social Gatherings
from 7:00 - 10:00. Descriptions of all are below.
Pre-registration Link: https://forms.gle/cz7TDVVSPBQYage39
Note: we are asking for pre-registration so we can send the link privately
to discourage Zoom bombing.
Here are a few details you might want to know first:
- Garb is strongly encouraged.
- We'd love to see you have fun with your surroundings. Feel free to use
a virtual background as well, but please be mindful of how busy it is for
those who may struggle with that. Also keep in mind that virtual
backgrounds work less well if two people are in the screen.
- Classes will have independent links and be managed by the instructor
and a technical host.
- The social evening will have a link that gets you to "Gate" where you
will be sorted into breakout rooms. Please see the separate post on social
activities for information.
*CLASSES - 4:00 - 6:00*
*4:00 - 5:00 - Largesse Crafts in Service to the Kingdom*
*Taught by Heather of Lochlan from Meridies*
So you have some time and some craft stashes to bust? Come right on in and
have a seat, let's talk Largess! In this class we'll review what it is,
some ideas of what you can make [including request from thier majesties],
and where and how to send it. Then if we have time we'll open up the floor
for some brainstorming!
*4:00 - 5:30 - New to Archery?*
*Taught by Tymme Lytefelow*
This covers what can be expected on a typical SCA archery range, from what
equipment we use to range courtesy to identifying (Grant level archery
order members), as they would be likely to be willing to help if you have
*5:00 - 6:00 - Quill Pens: History and How to Cut Them *
*Taught by Ciaran mac Drosto from the Shire of Cold Keep*
*5:00 - 6:00 - Basic Dates Every SCAdian Should Know *
*Taught by Heather Lochlan from Meridies*
Picture It: demo day, you're dressed to the nines and ready to talk. First
nonScadian child walks up and says "I like your costume! What happened in
your time?" That's where this class comes in. We're going from Ancient
Greece and Rome up to the day William Shakespeare died, picking out at
least 5 points of interest and a few inventions so that you can get that
big owl-eyed "Wow!" at your next demo, be it online or in person.
*SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - 7:00 - 10:00*
You will receive a link that will bring you into "Gate" where you can ask
to go to any of the three areas described below. At any time, you can exit
that area to return to gate and be directed to another.
*Great Hall *
*Hosted by Their Excellencies Aline and Alarich*
A place to meet for general conversation and socializing. If you desire a
separate, smaller group conversation, your group may return to gate to be
redirected to a separate room.
*Bardic Circle *
*Hosted by Mir Danilov and Linara Bruscas *
Enjoy singing, music, and storytelling for all!
*Newbie Happy Hour - 7:00 - 8:00*
*Hosted by Johannes Guotmann and Alessandra Garlington *
Get to know each other and ask any questions you might have. Our Kingdom
Chatelaine may also pop in!
We look forward to seeing you!
In Service,
Gwir verch Merewith
Hafpora Kristna
Event Stewards
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