[Wyewood] FW: [Announcements] Message from the Board of Directors August 8, 2020

Ruslund Geyer ruslund at geyercomputers.com
Sun Aug 9 16:18:29 PDT 2020

Greetings Wyewood.

What follows is a link to YouTube video from the Board of Directors.  The
transcript of the video follows.  

In service, 



From: Announcements [mailto:announcements-bounces at lists.sca.org] On Behalf
Of Kelly Magill via Announcements
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2020 3:50 PM
To: announcements
Cc: Craig Carter
Subject: [Announcements] Message from the Board of Directors August 8, 2020




 <https://youtu.be/bdmPfECeur8> Message from the Board of Directors August
8, 2020

Greetings, The SCA Board of Directors wants to update you, the participants
of this great organization, on the impact that Covid-19 is having on the
SCA. We ...




The SCA Board of Directors wants to update you, the participants of this
great organization, on the impact that Covid-19 is having on the SCA.   

We are facing an unprecedented decline in membership revenue. Revenue has
dropped off to the point where the Society could be facing some exceedingly
difficult choices soon. Choices that may impact our ability to return to the
game we love and miss. 

To grapple with the current realities facing the SCA, the Board of Directors
has canceled all travel and non-essential expenses at the corporate level.
Additionally, the Board and Corporate Officers are meeting bi-weekly via
video teleconference to increase the speed at which we respond to the
constantly evolving landscape of the SCA. 

During these bi-weekly meetings it has become clear that we need to address
our current financial situation. Since the outbreak of the pandemic we have
seen an extraordinary 28% drop in membership, which is approximately 4,000
members.  We know that many of you are personally facing great hardships and
we understand the difficult choices you are having to make each day. Not one
of us has been untouched by the reality of living in the times of COVID.  

For those of you who are able and willing to help the SCA face this threat
there are several things that you can do. 

First, please renew your membership if it has lapsed.  

Second, please consider extending your membership for a few years.  

Third, if you feel you can help support another person's membership you can
reach out to our administrative team at  <mailto:membership at sca.org>
membership at sca.org to arrange for a Gift Membership. 

Fourth, you can make a charitable tax-deductible donation to the Society

We are a volunteer society with a huge diversity of membership. We are all
doing the best that we can in a trying time. Now more than ever is our
opportunity to live our lives following the core values of the Society for
Creative Anachronism. Now is the time to display to the world that we are a
chivalrous people of honesty, integrity, honor, service, respect, and

In Service to the Dream,  

Craig Carter,  Chairman 

John St. Dennis,  Vice Chairman 

Gigi Coulson,  Director 

Natalie Degerstrom,  Director  


T.S. Morgan,  Director 

Dan Watson,  Director 

Ross Roegner,  Director  



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