[Wyewood] Bardic Zoom Happening Tonight

Wyewood Coronet Wyewood.Coronet at antir.org
Fri Apr 24 19:50:23 PDT 2020

If anyone would like to experience Calontir's famous singing culture, The Barony of Three Rivers is having a Bardic on Zoom open to Guests.

Participants are muted for individual performances and unmuted on group songs.

You can join in here:
No pressure to perform.  Sing if you want.  Listen and hang out if you prefer.

Gwendolyn Sweezey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Three Rivers Friday Night Bardic Zoom
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 587 186 300
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Meeting ID: 587 186 300
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Baroness Aline, sitting in for a while

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