[Wyewood] Announcement: Day of Archery Cancelled

Wyewood Coronet Wyewood.Coronet at antir.org
Sat Apr 18 16:26:06 PDT 2020

Unto the Barony of Wyewood and our dear friends across An Tir and it’s archey community do Barun Alarich and Baroness Aline send these heartfelt greetings,

For the second time, we have been forced to look at the events of the world around us and make the hard call to move forward with cancelling an event in our lands. This time, we are cancelling Day of Archery, which was a new and delightful event for us last year, just after we stepped up into our roles as Baronage. Her Excellency had so much fun getting to run the Brats with the Baroness lunch and was dearly looking forward to doing so again.

As we stated when we were forced to postpone the Feast of St. Bubba, we make these choices because Honor and Courtesy demand it to protect not only our people, but our neighbors and friends in our communities across An Tir. Fighting a pandemic is not unlike fighting a war- it takes time and resources, and it is up to each of us to do what we must to make sure we are successful.

We wish to express our deep gratitude to the event team led by Lady Margaret Palmer for all their hard work planning the event. It is seen and will not be forgotten.

To our Populace and our Friends from around the Kingdom, know you are in our minds and hearts in these difficult times, and we look forward to the day when we can all come together again.

Until then, we remain in service to Wyewood and An Tir,

Alarich, Barun
Aline, Baroness

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