[Wyewood] Fwd: Business Mtg Notes to review 5/24

Jennifer Usher one.true.sword at gmail.com
Wed May 29 09:50:11 PDT 2019

*Barony of Wyewood – Baronial Business Meeting*
* Baron Evrard *(David Keil)* and Baroness Alessandra *(Denise Garlington)
*Seneschal Martyn Baxter *(Brandon Scheltema)

May 24, 2019 – Friday

Start Time:   7:24pm
End Time:    8:11pm
# of people: 21

*Seneschal Report – Martyn* (Brandon Scheltema)
An Tir laws are updated and were read into court

Wyewoodians do so many wonderful things, anyone can recommend anyone for an
If you see a gentle that may be deserving, please send in a recommendation.
At Events, please attend court, this is an opportunity to hear news around
the kingdom and see awards given…you never know when it might be you. 😊

Baroness Alessandra was put on vigil for Pelican and will be at July

Chronicler is looking for a replacement before November

Archery would like a replacement but will stay on until it happens

*** 1st Baronial Meet and Greet FCS June 14th starting at 7:30 pm*
United Method Church * 15509 116th Ave SE * Renton, WA 98058

This is an opportunity for the populace to meet with the candidates and ask

* Candidates are:*

Arthur and Aurora

Aline and Alarich

Alessandra and Martyn

Candidates’ hard copies of letter intent and application were available to
populace during business meeting and are available for view at Wyewood’s
website: wyewood.org

*** 2nd Baronial Meet and Greet June 19th – Wednesday 7pm-9pm *Round Table
Pizza * 302 SW 43rd St * Renton, WA 98057

*Exchequer Report – Sara* (Sara Bonneville)
Not much to report. Quarterly financials were submitted on time and

*A & S Report – Sofia* (Linda Hosea)
Sofia will not be attending the meeting tonight.

There was a minimalist A&S support night with 2 on May 1.

Sewing night has been on an irregular schedule, don't have any counts.

Maestra Sara hosted a Regional Dance Practice on May 12, with 8
participants. Details have been sent to the list.  Maestra Sara had hoped
it was a viable idea for an event, but does not now think it would work
(though the facility - Maple Valley Library - was a hit, and should be
considered for other small activities).

There have been more failed efforts for a Culinary meeting, the next try
will be the 29th.

*Coming events *

May 27 - Sewing, watch FB for updates!

May 29th - Culinary discussion at Starbucks near Ikea, 7:00

June 5 - A&S Support, same location, 6:30

FCS June 14 – No class scheduled, Baronial Meet & Greet

June 29 - Athenaeum - details from Maestra Aline or Sofia

July 18 - Dance practice at Valley View Library

** Look for workshop on charters with Baron Evrard for Champions.

**An Tir Challenge: Ends last day of June.  If you have any booklets that
need to be signed off, please see Aline.  Well done to all participants so
far! Go team WYEWOOD!

*Herald/Pursuivant Report – Alarich* (Peter von Groote)

Alarich is available to help and assist.
There is a name at Laurel level.

He is currently working on badge submissions

*Archery Report – Tymme* (Tim Geyer)

*** Office seeking applicants for Chief Archer*
Tymme not attending meeting

Archery is still happening.  There are early discussions that BaO may
decide to combine with our practice, as the $10 for 2 hrs of shooting is
really hindering their archery program.  They are still looking at all of
their options, so this is by no means a done deal.

We have been doing Inter-Kingdom Archery Challenge, Society Seasonal
Archery Challenge, plus our normal Royal Rounds at most practices.

Some of the Bulldogs need to have their covers replaced, I'll need to see
how many I have or if I need to order covers.

** Action Needed **  The range needs to have the area next to thrown
weapons weed whacked or mowed before *next Wed*. so we can pack up and
store the target butts there for Eggfest.

*Wed May 29 after practice* we need to take down the range and pack it all
up in the above location.

We need some foam headers/footers rebuilt so the pins will stick in them

Tarps are so far in good shape.  Ropes seem to be ok for now.

Range reset is being decided on, with the following proposed options:

   1. Reset June 2 (Sun after Eggfest...the parking lot is usually still
   full of pavilions, but the range is usually clear)
   2. Reset Mon or Tues evening so we can have Wed practice
   3. Reset Sun June 9 (Sun after June Faire).

So far only 3 have chimed in, so looking for more feedback about

I will be teaching TAM and Equipment Inspection classes at Egil's, plus
participating in Dame Johanna's round robin Learn from a Goose activity.

I could use some precut 26" x 28" cardboard to put target faces on.

*Thrown Weapons – Geoffrey* (Jeff Reeds)
Not attending meeting

Not as much happening with thrown weapons.

Need more marshals to help rotate/scheduling gaps.

*Rapier Report – Dearbhail* (Debbie Kassens)
Dearbhail not attending meeting

Rapier practice has been a hit and miss due to mother’s day and start of
tourney season/events.

There will be a June 2nd practice before June Faire
At June Faire, Garreth will be hositng a tourney (Princess Bride Theme) and
Master Martyn will be at the Chatelaine’s booth promoting rapier.

*Baronial Marshal – Donatello *(Mike Freeman)
No official Heavy Practice to report.
There are heavy fighters showing up at the Kennydale practice site, but not

*Chatelaine – Gabri* (Heather Lazzaretti)

No report at this time.
Avine mentioned that there were a few new add ons to our Facebook page, but
no contact was made.

*Webster Report – Geoffrey* (Jeff Reeds)
Geoffrey not attending meeting
- Multiple content changes to Baronial Polling on website. Including
candidates resumes
- no recorded hacking attempts
- updated software on website and addons

** side note, website calendar and other things need

*Chronicler Report – Emma* (Jennifer Usher)
** Office seeking applicants for position
If you have anything you would like considered to be publish in the
Newsletter, please let me or Jamesredbeard know.

*Baronage – Baron Evrard* (Davil Keil) *and Baroness Alessandra *(Denise

A big thank you to everyone for their support at events.

July coronation will be Alessandra’s elevation, if you would like to help
in any way, please see Aline and the team that is helping put it together.

We will be attending June Faire, Honey War, July Coronation and Wyewood

*Future Events and other Business*

*June Faire*
June 7th – 9th
* Volunteers Needed  - *Wyewood is running mundane gate – Lots of people
attend this event – if you have time to volunteer at Gate – please do.

*Wyewood Champions – Event Steward – Alarich *August 3rd, 2019 – Saturday

Submitted copy for the Crier.
Contacted Biffy/porta-poty company, waiting to hear back.
Need volunteers – please contact Alarich

** Baron Evrard to host scribal for champions

*Day of Archery – Event Steward - Tymme*

August 27th, 2019 - Saturday

*FCS in June*
June 14th – No class scheduled, Baronial Meet & Greet

June 19th – Wednesday 2nd Baronial Meet & Greet at Round Table 7pm-9pm

June 28th – Business Meeting

*** Wyewood Customary Committee*
HE Robert, Lady Liadain, Lady Avine, Lord Alarich and Lord Rasmus

We have not yet set up any regular meetings as of yet.

The tentative process (nothing is final yet)

1) compare the final approved copy with what is posted on the website for
(final copy approved by the populace takes precedent over what is published
on website, if there are any discrepancies)

2) edit in current errata list

3) determine what needs to be changed due to current kingdom law.

4) Insert current policy changes, IE: champions procedures and protocols
modified by their excellencies.

5) Insert new current material: policies, awards, ceremonies, etc.

6) Re-study to reduce the amount of newly inserted errata.

7) Submit final copy to populace for approval.

8) Discuss / insert any changes a majority of the populace may wish to make

9) Publish on the website.

We are open to input from the populace on any other changes that may wish
to be made. But we probably won't be asking for any input until about step
6 - 7. Once we get the overdue stuff done.

End of Meeting


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