[Wyewood] Customary

robert Trinitie TCh. trinitietch at hotmail.com
Mon May 27 19:34:47 PDT 2019


Sorry I am late in chiming in. I've been away from the computer for
a few days.

I will post a duplicate of this to our facebook page.

I was the person put in charge of the customary updates and corrections.
( I mentioned it at the meeting and the task was then assigned.  LOL )

At this point, the members of the committee are Myself, Ldy Liadain,
Ldy Avine,  Lord Alarich, Lord Rasmus, (if he still wants to be on it), Lord Mir
was asked but I did not hear an official confirmation of yes or no.  Mir?
Rasmus, you still want to play?)

We probably do not want to go over 6  people, 7 max. Once a committee becomes too
big, even on a simple thing, it can become unwieldy. I have no objections to
either Ldy  Meryld or  Ldy Emma joining in. But having both might start to
make things too large.  This also depends on what our current final number is.
(rock paper scissors? )  I know our Exchequer wishes to
(separately in a "sub-committee"?) go over the financial policy and
align it with kingdom law.  Then hand it over to us.

 In all honesty I'm not sure how rushed the committee needs to be. This has been
a hanging project since almost before Gabri and I stepped up.  That said, it still needs
to be done.

Lady Avine has worked on printing physical copies of the final version approved by
the original committee and voted on by the populace.  I also believe she may also still
have a copy of the original errata sheet that was made.  Thank you Avine.

We have not yet set up any regular meetings due to (me mostly) having some
short term attacks of employment life.  Nor have we had a chance to even decide
what days we may want to do this.

The tentative process I was thinking of was the following.  (nothing is final yet)

1) compare the final approved copy with what is posted on the website for discrepancies.
     (final copy approved by the populace takes precedent over what is published on website, if
      there are any discrepancies)
2) edit in current errata list (except for baron bobbert. LOL)
3) determine what needs to be changed due to current kingdom law. (most of this best I
     can tell most of this will land in the lap of our Exchequer.)
     (Anything we can do to reduce kingdom law changes from forcing a customary
     change would be good)
4) Insert current policy changes, IE: champions procedures and protocols. Done by
     their excellencies.     ( I am unaware of any other changes since the approval)
5) Insert new current material:  policies, awards, ceremonies, etc.
6) Re-study to reduce the amount of newly inserted errata.
7) Submit final copy to populace for approval.
8) Discuss / insert any changes a majority of the populace may wish to make
9) Publish on the website.
10) Possibly line up a new committee ahead of time to look at this again in say....... 3-6 years?

Hope this helps some

Ld Robert Trinitie The Chickenhearted

Customary modification chair.

The SCA floats on a sea of jellied traditions.
Surrounded by shoals of well ground axes,
and a herd of dead horses.

-- Robert Trinitie The Chickenhearted. -- AS: teens

ADDENDUM: ... and scented with the aroma of Biffy Mints.

-- wishes to remain unknown. -- Approx: AS: 42


> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Wyewood [mailto:wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org] On Behalf Of
> >> bscheltema via Wyewood
> >> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2019 9:51 PM
> >> To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> >> Subject: [Wyewood] Customary
> >>
> >> Greetings Wyewood,Our customary needs severe changes so we dont conflict
> >> with An Tir law.� I know we have asked a few people at meetings already
> but
> >> now the event requirements, champion requirements and possibly more have
> >> changed we need create a committee to revise this and I would like it
> to be
> >> complete and edited with in a year preferably 6 months.� Sorry for the
> rush
> >> but I dont want to confuse new comers.� We also have a lot of awards
> that
> >> are not in our customary so please old, new just likes to edit stuff
> let's
> >> create a committed to get our customary up to date.Thank you�Y.I.SMaster
> >> Martyn Baxter�Seneschal, WyewoodSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy
> >> smartphone

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