[Wyewood] Arts and Sciences Champion Information

Rebecca von Groote rebecca.l.williams at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 09:51:30 PDT 2019

Interested in competing to be Wyewood's Arts and Sciences Champion? This
format designed by our current champion m'lady Sybil is great for artisan
at any level and especially for those who participated at Atheneum!

“Before and After” Wyewood Champions A&S 2019

This year I would like to encourage participation in the Arts and Sciences
by having the artisan place their project on the continuum of their own

The Artisan will display progress in their own art or science creation(s)
during their learning process. This could be comprised of: comparing an
early item you made of a particular type with the most recent (early
project can be represented as a photograph or description if you do not
have the physical item, or if it is a process); or the process of creating
something for the first time based on your research. It should be
accompanied by an analysis of your improvements and progress in making the
object or process as documentably historical as you can. Challenges and
setbacks and how you work with them are especially valuable in the
artisan’s progress! After all, the C in SCA is for Creative! Consider
including analysis of how a current Middle Ages inhabitant would interact
with this product or process and why it would be significant to them.

The criteria for a display are somewhat open-ended: find a visual manner to
convey your information to your audience. All displays should be
accompanied by a write-up of your documentation. Consider a traditional
essay form with introduction to the subject matter, paragraphs to introduce
and analyze your key evidence, and conclusion(s) to communicate the key
significance of your evidence. The sources should be documented in a
bibliography; pick any standard bibliographic form you like as long as you
use it consistently throughout.

Here are some suggestions written by others for how to organize your paper
and your research:

An overview of A & S presentations:

A very thorough approach:

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