[Wyewood] Meeting

bscheltema bscheltema at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 21:36:14 PST 2019

Hey interested in helping with the barony?  Want to make an impact in growing and inspiring our populace.  Why dont you become a Wyewood officer?  We have Several positions open and really need the chatelaine one filled.  ChatelaineGroup MarshalChief ArcherRapier MarshalPlease email the seneschal and the coronet for any applications or inquiries about what the position entails.Also we need event stewards for 2 more events to maintain our baronial status.  We have plenty of coaches to make sure it is a success.  Y.I.S.Master Martyn BaxterSeneschal, Barony of WyewoodSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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