[Wyewood] January Business Mtg Minutes

Jennifer Usher one.true.sword at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 09:42:38 PST 2019

*Barony of Wyewood – Baronial Business Meeting*
Baron Evrard (David Keil) and Baroness Alessandra (Denise Garlington)
Seneschal Martyn Baxter (Brandon Scheltema– Chapter’s President)

*January 25th, 2019*

Start Time:      7:28pm         End Time:  8:28 pm
# of people:     21 people

*Seneschal Report – Martyn* (Brandon Scheltema – Chapter’s President)

*Other Offices seeking … *

Chatelaine – Immediate replacement, required office

Chief Archer – Tymme will continue until replacement – thank you Tymme!
Rapier Marshal – Possible applicant – practice still going strong at
“Branch” Marshal – This position doesn’t have to be a Heavy Fighter.

*Do you want to run an event?*
The Barony needs 3 events per year.  At this time we have only one.
If you have questions or interested – please don’t hesitate.  Being an
event steward can be a lot of fun.

1)      Feast on the 9th of February.

2)      Champions is being moved to September 7th, still *tentatively* on
Kingdom Calendar as August 10th until confirmed with Kingdom Event Calendar
person.  Still looking for an event bid/event steward.

3)      There are a couple of ideas floating around for day events.  Which
more the merrier!  We don’t have to limit to 3 events 😊

*Exchequer Report – Sara* (Sara Bonneville)

End of Year 2018 financial position:

Barony has ended the year with approximately $20,560 in combined chequing
and savings account. Exact number will be affected by December interest
earnings, which I do not have yet.

This is about $10 less than the balances at the beginning of the year. This
is very, very good. We actually brought in more money than we spent on the
three events this year – especially St Bubba’s – and the donations from
members at archery practice and the bubba-can at meetings has been very

*2019 branch budget: *

There has been zero feedback from officers as to proposed branch budget for
2019. Since there has been input, I am proposing to the financial committee
that we adopt a budget that is very similar to last year’s.

* Planned Income (Sources):
Fund Raisers $500
Donations $500
Net Event Proceeds $800
Interest Earnings $40



* Planned Expenditures (Uses): Coronet $300
Officers $1,325
Operating (rent, etc.) $3,480 (Wenyeva donates web services)
Baronial Property $500
Reserve $500


Net Planned Deficit <$4,265>

That means our bank account would be over $4,000 less than it is now.
Planned Income is projected conservatively, partly due to expectation that
net proceeds from events will be less than prior year because of the
increased cost of St. Bubba site.

*A & S Report – Sofia *(Linda Hosea)

Fiber/A&S Support night was held the 2nd, with only 2…

There was no FCS class on the 11, many folks on their way to Portland for 12
th Night.

There were two Sewing Nights with 9 participants

Dance class was on the 21st – 10 participants!

2018 4th Q A&S Report has been submitted.

*Events/Activities to come:*

Fiber/A&S Support night: 2/6 – Interest will be queried…

FCS Class on 2/8          “Event Steward is not Scary” also the candidates
for Sergeantry                     will be doing a written test.
*Tablet weaving class will be scheduled soon for a FCS

Dance Classes:             3rd  Thursday – 21st

Sewing Nights:             The 4th, and the 18th

Culinary:                      Planning will be discussed after St Bubba’s…

*Team Wyewood Update!  Go Team! *

Ends July 1st, if you are still interested in joining you still have time!
Also, if you have things to be signed off in your booklet – please see
Mistress Aline on both.

*** Note: We gather to celebrate at St.Bubba’s on the 9th, Aline’s request
is please reserve questions and sign offs (regarding Team Wyewood) to a
different day; for she is preparing a grand feast for us all and will be
occupied. *

*Herald/Pursuivant Report – Alarich * (Peter von Groote)

Just added some blazons – Possible  badge submission, need to do a conflict

Working on a seal for the Barony, Martyn is checking out a source to see
how well the design is cut and handles the wax.

*Archery Report – Tymme *(Tim Geyer)
*** Office seeking applicants for Chief Archer*

Archery is still happening, as is thrown weapons.  *Practice is cancelled
for Ursalmas.*

The range is rather soggy and may need to be shifted soon to get away from
the mud pits right in front of the bales.

Glymm Mere and Blatha an Oir have been showing up to our practices fairly
regularly, and Dragon's Laire on occasion.  GM and DL have range issues
(aka water/mud).

I put a call out if someone wants to run a Cupid shoot.  I have some
targets and such that can be used, but don't have the time to put it

I'm not sure when IKAC medallions will be officially handed out, but John
de Percy earned his first!  (Period Crossbow, An Tir took 2nd place)

I will have medallions to hand out at Feast for last season's top 10.


*Rapier Report **– Vacant*

We had 8 figthers at the Kennydale Practice on Sunday 1/20

Master Martyn submitted new rules for Youth Rapier which will be launching
at Ursulmas.

*Western Region Practice ** This is the First time***February 10th – this
is Heavy and Rapier – Wyewood Hosting. Held at Kennydale.


*Chatelaine Report – Vacant – Required Office**** Need immediate
replacement this is a required office for our Barony.*

*** Status of Chatelaine box?

Geoffrey to change log in so emails will go to Seneschal directly.

Was contacted by Kate the Candlemaker, Chatelaine from GlymMere who lives
in Auburn, her son is in a play “once upon a mattress” and would like a
demo/display/scene of something medieval and Ok to hand out flyers
regarding the SCA.  Dates March 14-16th and 21st – 23rd
Possibly do shifts or certain days.


*Webster Report – Geoffrey *(Jeff Reed)

Hackers are still attempting but different pattern.  Somedays will be zero,
next day a whole bunch.  Did updates on Website.

*Chronicler Report – Emma *(Jennifer Usher)
I checked with Meryld, due to the holidays, she only had a chance to do
a quick check.
Not much history if any in it. I keep getting told history is in the
Chatelaines box.  If she can go to the feast, she will bring the library.

James Redbeard volunteered to help with graphics/website Newsletter-


*Baronage – Baron Evrard *(David Keil) *and Baroness Alessandra *(Denise
12th Night was a great event and great to see so many Wyewoodians there.
Martyn’s elevation to Master of Defense (MOD) was a grand event in court.
We are becoming such a healthy barony.  To continue success, if you know
something, please teach it, attend and connect at events, etc.

For their Excellencies progress:
Ursulmas tomorrow (1/26)  - please stay through court.  We have a
Wyewoodian being recognized.

Also, Master Martyn submitted new rules for Youth Rapier which will be
launching at Ursulmas – come to Royal Court to witness!

Feast of St. Bubbas (2/9)

*Baronial Marshal – *
*Vacant *If interested in position, which you do not have to be a Heavy
Fighter, please contact Their Excellencies and Seneschal.

*Western Region Practice ** This is the First time***February 10th – this
is Heavy and Rapier – Wyewood Hosting.
Held at Kennydale.


*Future Events and Other Business*

*Feast of St. Bubba *

*– Event Steward – Gwir   Head Cook – AlineFebruary 9th 2019*Volunteers
needed! 😊 We are looking for Gate Crew, Kitchen needs cleanup and servers.
Also adopt a table for decorating and much more.

Pre-reg seats are up to 84, but only 64 paid.  Pay your tickets to secure
your seats.

·         Lunch is included, unless coming to the event as off-board, then
lunch available as donation.
*Feast of St. Bubba and Wyewood Sergeantry Trials*
*Saturday, February 9, 2019*
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Auburn Senior Activity Center
808 9th St SE, Auburn, WA 98002

*Silent Dessert Auction*
Low key but fun side-event for the feast!

1)      Make a dessert for the purpose that someone wants to take it home…
or share at their table .. make enough for 8 but if you want present 1
slice of an amazing dessert.. or if you have a plate of brownies that are
24 squares– bring it 😊 Doesn’t have to be period I say get creative and
enjoy – this is a fundraiser is to raise money for the for Champions

2)      If you do not want to bake something or if you have time for
something .. you can bid on any dessert.  The bidding will start as soon as
desserts start getting onto the table.  So please swing by the dessert
table.  This Silent auction will run just like it was at Champions.  Highest
bidder wins.

A half hour before court (3:30ish) the bidding time will close.

During part of the feast .. winners and amount money raised will be
announce and at appropriate time, winner can retrieve their dessert to
either take home or share with anyone.

Desserts will be numbered and winner’s name placed on it/by it.

*February FCS*February 8th – Event Stewarding is not Scary Class

February 22nd  - Business Meeting

*Urslamus *
January 22nd – 24th  - Big Demo Event

*Feast of St. Bubba*February 9th

*Western Region Practice ** This is the First time***February 10th – this
is Heavy and Rapier – Wyewood Hosting.
Held at Kennydale Elementary

End of Meeting

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