[Wyewood] Wyewood Archery, Picnic, & Frolic Sept. 2

michael wolfe Ulf-Gothi at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 29 19:26:06 PDT 2019

Greetings from Rauthulfr

We have the opportunity to have an extra day of Archery on Sept. 2, Labor Day!

So, we're going to have a gathering at the Wyewood Archery Range: Associated Energy Systems, 8621 S 180th St Kent, WA 98032

Set up begins at 9:00-ish and archery begins at 10:00-ish.

I'll bring my pop-up, a grill, and a couple tables. (I'll have something to grill, but nothing fancy.)

We need folks to bring more pop-ups, munchies, and thinks of that sort.

Who is interested? Please respond to this and chime in if you're coming!


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